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  1. TitleVyučovanie informatiky na základných a stredných školách – globálny pohľad
    Author infoJana Jacková, Peter Hubwieser
    Author Jacková Jana 1963- (90%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Co-authors Hubwieser Peter (10%)
    Source document DidactIG 2016 : sborník příspěvků, Liberec, 2. a 3. února 2016. CD-ROM, s. 7-11. - Liberec : Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2016 / Vaníček Jiří ; Černochová Miroslava ; Jacková Jana 1963- ; Satrapa Pavel 1964- ; DidactIG 2016 konference
    Keywords pracovná skupina ITiCSE   prípadové štúdie - case studies   informatické vzdelávanie   základné školy - elementary schools   stredné školy - secondary schools  
    CountryCzech Republic
    systematics 004
    AnnotationPríspevok prezentuje skúsenosti z práce v pracovnej skupine ITiCSE 2015 Working Group: „Computer Science Education in K-12 Schools“ a zhrnutie niektorých výsledkov výskumu tejto pracovnej skupiny z pohľadu jej člena zo Slovenska. Na základe kvalitatívnej textovej analýzy 14 rozsiahlych prípadových štúdií uverejnených v časopise ACM „Transactions on Computing Education“ prináša globálny pohľad na niektoré aktuálne otázky vyučovania informatiky v 12 štátoch sveta. Nakoľko sa medzi analyzovanými článkami nenachádzajú štúdie o vyučovaní informatiky na základných a stredných školách v Slovenskej republike a ani v Českej republike, v príspevku je tiež naznačená možnosť ďalšieho výskumu v sledovaných oblastiach z tohto hľadiska. ABSTRACT: (Computer Science Education in Primary and Secondary Schools - a Global Snapshot:) The paper presents the experience of the ITiCSE 2015 Working Group: "Computer Science Education in K-12 Schools" and a summary of some research results of this working group from the perspective of one of its members (from Slovakia). It provides a global snapshot of some current issues of informatics in 12 states from around the world. This is based on a qualitative text analysis 14 extensive case studies published in the ACM journal “Transactions on Computing Education”. Since there is not a case study about informatics education in the Slovak Republic nor in the Czech Republic among these studies, so the paper also indicates the possibility of further research in the area from this point of view.
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy36493 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  2. TitleA global snapshot of computer science education in K-12 schools
    Author infoPeter Hubwieser ... [et al.]
    Author Hubwieser Peter (20%)
    Co-authors Giannakos Michail N. (15%)
    Berges Marc (10%)
    Brinda Torsten (10%)
    Diethelm Ira (10%)
    Magenheim Johannes (10%)
    Pal Yogendra (10%)
    Jacková Jana 1963- (10%) UMBFP05 - Katedra informatiky
    Jasute Egle (5%)
    Source document ITiCSE-WGP’ 15 : proceedings of the 2015 ITiCSE on Working Group Reports, July 4–8, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania. S. 65-83. - New York : ACM, 2015 ; ITiCSE-WGP’ 15 working group reports
    Keywords vyučovanie informatiky - teaching informatics   computing education   kompetencie - competences - competencies   vzdelávanie učiteľov - učiteľské vzdelávanie - teacher education  
    CountryUnited States of America
    systematics 37
    AnnotationIn two special issues of the ACM journal “Transactions on Computing Education” (TOCE), 14 extensive case studies about the various situations of Computer Science Education (CSE) in K-12 schools in 12 countries (respectively states) were collected. During the work at the ITiCSE 2015, we have performed a deductive qualitative text analysis on these case studies in order to extract the most useful information. As a category system, we applied some selected categories of the Darmstadt Model that was developed by the working group “Computer Science/Informatics in Secondary Schools” at the ITiCSE 2011. Based on the coding results, we summarized information about the different fields of Computing Education at schools, the intended goals and competencies, the taught content, the applied programming languages and tools and the different forms of assessment and teacher education. Despite the limitations of the analyzed articles, representing just snapshots of complex situations from the specific viewpoint of the respective authors, we were able to collect some interesting results
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy34601
    Repercussion category HEINTZ, Fredrik - MANNILA, Linda - FARNQVIST, Tommy. A Review of models for introducing computational thinking, computer science and computing in K-12 education. In IEEE Frontiers in education conference FIE 2016 : New York, 12th-15th October 2016, New York : IEEE, 2016. ISBN 978-1-5090-1790-4.
    LAKANEN, Antti Jussi. On the impact of computer science outreach events on K-12 students : Jyväskylä studies in computing 236. Jyväskylä : Jyväskylä University Printing House, 2016. ISBN 978-951-39-6634-8, pp. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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    34601_11054.9 MB

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