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  1. TitleHydrothermal quartz-baryte veins containing Pb-Cu-Sb-(Bi) mineralization at Brusno-Brzáčka occurrence (Veporic Unit, Central Slovakia) and their supergene alteration
    Author infoEva Hoppanová, Štefan Ferenc ... [et al.]
    Author Hoppanová Eva 1995- (35%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Ferenc Štefan 1977- (30%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Mikuš Tomáš (10%)
    Dolníček Zdeněk (10%)
    Kopáčik Richard 1995- (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Vlasáč Jozef (5%)
    Šimonová Viera 1977- (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document Acta Geologica Slovaca. Roč. 16, č. 1 (2024), s. 1-17. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2024
    Keywords sulfidická mineralizácia - sulfide mineralization  
    Headings Geogr. Slovenské rudohorie (Slovensko : pohorie)
    Brusno (Slovensko)
    Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountrySlovak Republic
    AnnotationThe Brusno-Brzáčka occurrence (N 48.7698772°; E 19.4128150°) is located near the Brusno village (Slovenské Rudohorie Mts. Veporic Unit). Historically, the mineralization was explored by small-scale mining works located at the contact between the siliciclastic rocks of the Upper Permian and the Lower Triassic age. Paleo-Alpine metamorphic-hydrothermal mineralization is represented by quartz, baryte, or quartz-baryte veins, containing weak ore mineralization. Its succession is as follows: coarse-grained quartz I, pyrite (mineralization period I); baryte (II); tetrahedrite-(Zn), chalcopyrite (III); galena (IV) and quartz II (V). Supergene alteration produced initially covellite and spionkopite in the cementation zone. The oldest minerals in the oxidation zone are goethite, pyromorphite and mimetite. They were succeeded by the crystallization of Ba-rich anglesite, which partly overlaps in time with the precipitation of slightly younger anglesite. The formation of baryte partly overlaps with the deposition of anglesite, but in most cases, it is clearly younger. Bismutite is the youngest supergene mineral. A solid solution of anglesite–baryte with a Ba content from 0.29 apfu up to 0.51 apfu (i.e., Ba-rich anglesite) was identified at the studied site. This mineral phase covers the field of immiscibility of the natural solid solution PbSO4 – BaSO4, but the Ba/Pb ratio practically does not enter the baryte field (Pb-rich baryte).
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    Public work category ADF
    No. of Archival Copy54740 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  2. TitleHydrotermálne kremenno-barytové žily so sulfidickou mineralizáciou na lokalite Brusno-Brzáčka (Veporikum, stredné Slovensko): aj drobné a zabudnuté výskyty môžu byť zaujímavé
    Author infoEva Hoppanová, Štefan Ferenc ... [et al.]
    Author Hoppanová Eva 1995- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Ferenc Štefan 1977- (16%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Šimonová Viera 1977- (16%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Kopáčik Richard 1995- (16%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Mikuš Tomáš (16%)
    Vlasáč Jozef (16%)
    Source document Sborník abstrakt : otevřený kongres České geologické společnosti a Slovenskej geologickej spoločnosti. S. 52-53. - Ostravice : Česká geologická společnost, 2023 ; Otevřený kongres České geologické společnosti a Slovenskej geologickej spoločnosti medzinárodný kongres
    Keywords hydrotermálne žily - hydrothermal veins   kremenno-sulfidická mineralizácia - quartz-sulphidic mineralization   mineralizácia - mineralization  
    Headings Geogr. Brusno (Slovensko)
    Form. Descr.abstrakty - abstracts
    CountryCzech Republic
    Public work category BFA
    No. of Archival Copy53960 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  3. TitleGeologická stavba a štruktúrna analýza na vybraných lokalitách malužinského súvrstvia hronika (Západné Karpaty)
    Author infoAngelika Obertová, Viera Šimonová ... [et al.]
    Author Obertová Angelika (45%)
    Co-authors Šimonová Viera 1977- (45%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Hoppanová Eva 1995- (10%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document Sborník abstrakt : otevřený kongres České geologické společnosti a Slovenskej geologickej spoločnosti. S. 52-53. - Ostravice : Česká geologická společnost, 2023 ; Otevřený kongres České geologické společnosti a Slovenskej geologickej spoločnosti medzinárodný kongres
    Keywords geologická stavba - geological structure   štruktúrna analýza - structural analysis   hronikum - hronicum  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Form. Descr.abstrakty - abstracts
    CountryCzech Republic
    Public work category BFA
    No. of Archival Copy53959 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  4. TitleMulti-phase development of the faults in the Malužiná Fm. (Hronic Unit, Western Carpathians): reconstruction based on kinematic analysis of multiple fault structures
    Author infoViera Šimonová, Angelika Obertová ... [et al.]
    Author Šimonová Viera 1977- (70%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Obertová Angelika (20%)
    Hoppanová Eva 1995- (10%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document 19th meeting of the Central European tectonic studeis group (CETeG) : abstract book. S. 88-89. - Kazincbarcika : [s. n.], 2023 ; 19th meeting of the Central European tectonic studeis group (CETeG) konferencia
    Keywords rekonštrukcie   kinematická analýza - kinematic analysis  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Form. Descr.abstrakty - abstracts
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category BFA
    No. of Archival Copy53966 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  5. TitleNeobyčajné chemické zloženie sfaleritov z výskytu Brezno-Za dolinou, Slovensko, Nízke Tatry, Západné Karpaty
    Author infoEva Hoppanová ... [et al.]
    Author Hoppanová Eva 1995- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Ferenc Štefan 1977- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Mikuš Tomáš (20%)
    Dolníček Zdeněk (20%)
    Šimonová Viera 1977- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document Mineralogická konferencia Vyšná Boca 2023 : zborník abstraktov. S. 34-40. - Bratislava : Slovenská mineralogická spoločnosť, 2023 ; Mineralogická konferencia Vyšná Boca 2023 konferencia
    Keywords sfalerit   veporikum - veporikum   chemické zloženie  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Nízke Tatry (Slovensko : pohorie)
    Form. Descr.abstrakty - abstracts
    CountrySlovak Republic
    URL Link na zdrojový dokument
    Public work category BFB
    No. of Archival Copy53185 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  6. TitleStratiform U-Cu mineralization in the Lopejské Čelno valley near Podbrezová (Veporic Unit, Western Carpathians)
    Par.titleStratiformná U-Cu mineralizácia v Lopejskom Čelne pri Podbrezovej (veporikum, Západné Karpaty)
    Author infoRichard Kopáčik ... [et al.]
    Author Kopáčik Richard 1995- (30%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Ferenc Štefan 1977- (25%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Mikuš Tomáš (15%)
    Budzák Šimon 1982- (10%) UMBFP08 - Katedra chémie
    Butek Juraj 1993- (10%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Hoppanová Eva 1995- (10%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document Mineralia Slovaca. Roč. 55, č. 1 (2023), s. 53-70. - Bratislava : Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, 2023
    Keywords Cu mineralizácia   oxidy   veporikum - veporikum  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountrySlovak Republic
    AnnotationThe studied mineralization is located on the eastern slopes of Lopejské Čelno valley, south of the Lopej village (cadastral area of Podbrezová village, Central Slovakia). The U occurrence was described and classified as U-Cu stratiform mineralization. The mineralization is located in the Ľubietová Zone of Veporic Unit, and is bound to the arkosic sandstones containing Permian volcanoclastic material. The host rock of mineralization underwent low-grade metamorphism and limonitization. Lens shaped ore bodies are characterized by disseminated pyrite, rutile, chalcopyrite, leucoxene and metatorbernite. Small cavities and cracks in rock are also filled and/or coated by goethite, Mn oxides and malachite. Uranium is irregularly distributed within the host rock and is bound to the U-Ti oxides, brannerite and torbernite/metatorbernite. Brannerite and leucoxenized U-Ti oxides are the only one primary uranium U4+ minerals, for the first time identified in studied occurrence. Brannerite forms clusters of needle-like crystals (up to 100 μm in size). It occurs in close spatial and genetic association with U-Ti oxides, rutile, leucoxene and clay minerals. Chemical composition of brannerite and U-Ti oxides differs in ratio of U/(U + Ti): from 0.22 to 0.29 apfu for brannerite and from 0.09 to 0.22 apfu for U-Ti oxides. Metatorbernite forms light green crystals, typically occurs in small cavities and fractures in rock. It shows an unusual light green luminescence under UV radiation. The average chemical composition of metatorbernite can be expressed by empiric formula (Cu0.75Ba0.06Ca0.03K0.04Al0.02Mg0.01Fe0.01)Σ0.94 (UO2)Σ2.00 (PO4)Σ2.01 (H2O)8. Occasionally torbernite/metatorbernite directly replaces single crystals of apatite.
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category ADN
    No. of Archival Copy53479 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  7. TitleBrezno-Za dolinou - occurrence of Fe-Cu-Sb-As mineralization and its relationship to the Alpine tectonics
    Author infoEva Hoppanová, Viera Šimonová ... [et al.]
    Author Hoppanová Eva 1995- (40%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Šimonová Viera 1977- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Ferenc Štefan 1977- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Kopáčik Richard 1995- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document Environmental, structural and stratigraphical evolution of the Western Carpathians : ESSEWECA 2022 : abstract book. S. 67-68. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2022 / Hudáčková Natália ; Ruman Andrej ; Šujan Michal ; ESSEWECA conference medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
    Keywords mineralizácia - mineralization   tektonika - tectonic   mineralogické výskumy  
    Form. Descr.abstrakty - abstracts
    CountrySlovak Republic
    URL Link na plný text
    Public work category BFB
    No. of Archival Copy52763 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  8. TitleNew knowledge about U-Cu mineralization on the Kozie chrbty Mts. and its relationship to the (late Neotectonic) structures (Hronic Unit, Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
    Author infoEva Hoppanová ... [et al.]
    Author Hoppanová Eva 1995- (85%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Ferenc Štefan 1977- (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Šimonová Viera 1977- (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Kopáčik Richard 1995- (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document 15th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies : 12-14 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia : abstract book and fieldtrip guide. Pp. 31. - Ljubljana : University of Ljubljana, 2022 ; Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies konferencia
    Keywords mineralizácia - mineralization  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Kozie chrbty
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    Public work category AFG
    No. of Archival Copy52028 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  9. TitleCu-(U) mineralisation in the copper sandstones at Šafárka occurrence near Novoveská Huta (Spišská Nová Ves), Spišsko-gemerské Rudohorie Mts., Western Carpathians, Gemeric Unit, eastern Slovakia
    Author infoŠtefan Ferenc ... [et al.]
    Author Ferenc Štefan 1977- (40%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Mikuš Tomáš (20%)
    Kopáčik Richard 1995- (18%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Vlasáč Jozef (17%)
    Hoppanová Eva 1995- (5%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Source document Acta Geologica Slovaca. Roč. 14, č. 2 (2022), s. 87-101. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2022
    Keywords pieskovce   uránovo-medená mineralizácia  
    Headings Geogr. Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    Form. Descr.články - journal articles
    CountrySlovak Republic
    AnnotationSeveral occurrences of copper sandstone mineralisation type occur in the Permian volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Northern Gemeric Unit (Spišsko-gemerské Rudohorie Mts.). The object of presented mineralogical research was Cu-(U) mineralisation in the copper sandstones at the Šafárka occurrence, located about 4 km SE of Novoveská Huta (part of Spišská Nová Ves district town). Cu-(U) mineralisation occurs in fine-grained psammites of greenish-grey colour. The surface of the samples is limonitized, with coatings of green Cu and U supergene minerals. The main rock-forming mineral is quartz. Carbonate (probably authigenic), muscovite and fragments of sericite shales or highly altered volcanics are present to a lesser extent. Accessories represent K-feldspar, tourmaline and leucoxenized Fe-Ti oxides. Rock matrix is formed mainly by sericite, and fine-grained quartz. Ore minerals (chalcopyrite, pyrite - also var. bravoite, tennantite-(Fe), uranium-bearing leucoxene) form disseminations and veinlets in sandstones. Supergene minerals of Fe, Cu and U (chalcocite, yarrowite, uranophane-α, goethite, malachite, baryte, anglesite and cinnabar) fill microscopic cavities and cracks in the rock. Based on the chemical composition, the studied pyrite can be divided into several groups: a) pyrite with a minimum content of admixtures (composition almost corresponding to the formula FeS2; b) As-bearing pyrite; and c) Ni- and Co-bearing bravoite. Arsenic most likely enters the anionic position of pyrite by the substitution As1-→S1-, and is probably present in solid solution. Zonality of bravoites is caused by ranging in Ni content and the corresponding fluctuations in Fe content (negative correlation), at a relatively constant Co content. Studied bravoites represent a nice example of the preferred concentration of Ni at the edges of the crystals and growth zones. Formation of uranophane-α documents the neutralisation of the environment during weathering of sandstones. Precipitation of baryte and anglesite caused an increase in the pH of the environment (from acid to the slightly basic), which allowed the precipitation of uranophane-α and malachite.
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category ADN
    No. of Archival Copy52777 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
  10. TitleSupergénne minerály z U-Cu rudného výskytu Východná-Nižný Chmelienec v Nízkych Tatrách (hronikum, Slovensko)
    Par.titleSupergene minerals from the U-Cu ore occurrence Východná-Nižný Chmelienec, the Nízke Tatry Mts. (Hronic Unit, Slovakia)
    Author infoEva Hoppanová ... [et al.]
    Author Hoppanová Eva 1995- (40%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Co-authors Ferenc Štefan 1977- (20%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Kopáčik Richard 1995- (10%) UMBFP01 - Katedra geografie a geológie
    Budzák Šimon 1982- (15%) UMBFP08 - Katedra chémie
    Mikuš Tomáš (15%)
    Source document Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie. Vol. 29, no. 1 (2021), s. 77-89. - Praha : Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, 2021
    Keywords urán - uranium   uránovo-medená mineralizácia   supergénne minerály - supergene minerals  
    Headings Geogr. Nízke Tatry (Slovensko : pohorie)
    Západné Karpaty (pohorie)
    CountryCzech Republic
    URLLink na plný text
    Public work category ADM
    No. of Archival Copy51530 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    ReferencesPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika

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