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  1. TitleTrait emotional intelligence development possibilities of primary school-aged children
    Author infoLada Kaliská
    Author Kaliská Lada 1976- (100%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document EDULEARN19 Proceedings : 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 1st - 3rd of July, 2019. S. 9801-9807. - Valencia : IATED: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, 2019 / López Agustín ; Girós Amparo ; EDULEARN19 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
    Keywords emocionálna inteligencia - emočná inteligencia - emotional intelligence   črtová emocionálna inteligencia - trait emotional intelligence   deti školského veku - school children - school-age children   dotazník TEIQue-CF   možnosti rozvoja   emocionálne učenie  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    AnnotationMore than ten years, there has been a systematic verification of Trait Emotional Intelligence concept (further on EI) of K.V. Petrides (2009) in the Slovak setting eventuated into the adaptive, modified, verified and standardized Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaires for its assessment (long and short forms of children, adolescent and adult´s versions). The presented stidy aims at the trait EI development possibilities of school age children. The research aim was to assess global trait EI and its nine EI dimensions by Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Child Form (TEIQue-CF, Mavrovelli, et. al., 2008; verified by Kaliska & Nabelkova, 2015), and to find out about trait EI development possibilities by the social-emotional training program (SEL) within six weeks. The research group consisted of 63 four-grade primary education level pupils (AM age´9.56, SD=.56) split randomly into two experimental and one control group. The study discusses no significant results in the global trait EI level and its nine dimensions in two experimental groups and in comparison to the control group. It emphasizes the possible causes, limits and restrains determining the research results. The study is a part of a research project VEGA 1/0654/17 that stresses the social-emotional learning facilitation as a form of personality resilience coping of life difficulties
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy45896
    Repercussion category DOBRIN, Alexander Viktorovich. Characteristics of emotional mood in first-graders with different levels of emotional intelligence as a factor of their psycho-social adaptation to primary school. In Science for education today. ISSN 2658-6762, 2020, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 65-85.
    GARBENIS, Simas - PALUJANSKIENE, Paulina. Development of emotional intelligence in the aspect of personality development in the context of a learning organization. In Society, integration, education : international scientific conference, Rezekne, 28th-29th May 2021. ISSN 1691-5887, 2021, vol. 4, pp. 90-101. - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  2. TitleFirst results of philosophy for children course with university students in Slovakia - evaluative research
    Author infoLada Kaliská, Ján Kaliský
    Author Kaliská Lada 1976- (50%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Co-authors Kaliský Ján 1975- (50%) UMBPF13 - Katedra etickej a občianskej výchovy
    Source document EDULEARN19 Proceedings : 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 1st - 3rd of July, 2019. S. 9795-9807. - Valencia : IATED: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, 2019 / López Agustín ; Girós Amparo ; EDULEARN19 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
    Keywords kritické myslenie - critical thinking   filozofia - philosophy   filozofia a deti - philosophy and children   experimentálne skupiny   vysokoškolskí študenti - vysokoškoláci - college students  
    Headings Geogr. Slovensko
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    AnnotationThe study discusses the systematic and goal-oriented and facilitated critical thinking development as akey educational competence of the 21st century by the means of Philosophy for Children didactic method (Lipman, 1972). It discusses the facilitation of this method in the Slovak university education where this course has been practiced for more than six years. The first results discuss the feedback reflection of P4C participants of this course in comparison to the feedback reflection of Austrian, Spanish and Italian students by “The evaluation project questionnaire (EP-Que)” used in PEACE project. Our results prove the Slovak P4C participants score above average values referring to their median scores in P4C goal fulfillment, P4C cognitive and affective skills development and significantly lower to Austrian students, and significantly higher to the Spanish ones. The study emphasizes the important potential of P4C method in the Slovak conditions, and also the limits and future research intentions needed to be done to support P4C efficacy
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy45864 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  3. TitleCritical thinking in the program of moral education in Slovakia
    Author infoJán Kaliský
    Author Kaliský Ján 1975- (100%) UMBPF13 - Katedra etickej a občianskej výchovy
    Source document EDULEARN19 Proceedings : 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 1st - 3rd of July, 2019. S. 9972-9978. - Valencia : IATED: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development, 2019 / López Agustín ; Girós Amparo ; EDULEARN19 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
    Keywords kritické myslenie - critical thinking   morálna výchova   etika - ethics   občianska výchova   diskusia - diskusie - discussion  
    Form. Descr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    Public work category AFC
    No. of Archival Copy46665 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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