Počet záznamov: 1
Technical creativity in school ́s curricula with the form of project learning "From idea to the product" - from the kindergarten to the technical faculty
- Technical creativity in school ́s curricula with the form of project learning "From idea to the product" - from the kindergarten to the technical faculty. medzinárodné vedecké sympózium (26. : 19.-20.05.2023 : Portorož)
Technical creativity in school ́s curricula with the form of project learning "From idea to the product" - from the kindergarten to the technical faculty = Tehnična ustvarjalnost v šolskem kurikulumu v obliki projektnega učnega dela "Od ideje do izdelka" - od vrtca do fakultetnega tehniškega študija : abstracts and procedings : zbornik povzetkov in prispevkov ; rec. Damir Purković, Jakob Lamut, Ludvik Toplak. -- 1. vyd. -- Ľubľana : Somaru, 2023. -- 237 s.
Počet záznamov: 1