Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 344  
Vaša požiadavka: Všetky polia = ("process" A "management")
  1. NázovRecruitment and selection
    Aut.údajeKelaniyage Shihan Dilruk Fernando ... [et al.]
    Autor Fernando Kelaniyage Shihan Dilruk (25%)
    Spoluautori Smerek Lukáš 1986- (25%) UMBEF03 - Katedra ekonomiky a manažmentu podniku
    Krejčí Petra (25%)
    Kőmüves Zsolt (25%)
    Zdroj.dok. HR system and achieving organisational aims : Czechia - Hungary - Poland - Slovakia. Pp. 29-32. - Gödöllő : Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2024 / Poór József ; Kőmüves Zsolt ; Szabó-Szentgróti Gábor ; Smerek Lukáš 1986- ; Ďurian Jozef 1973- ; Šimočková Ivana 1985- ; Marková Helena ; Krejčí Petra ; Malátek Vojtěch ; Misiak-Kwit Sandra ; Wiścicka-Fernando Małgorzata ; Fernando Kelaniyage Shihan Dilruk ; Veresné Valentinyi Klára ; Pálmai László ; Szlávicz Ágnes ; Suhajda Csilla
    Kľúč.slová manažment ľudských zdrojov - human resources management - riadenie ľudských zdrojov   krajiny V4 - V4 countries   vzdelávanie - education  
    Form.deskr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaOverall, the research shows that the Czech Republic and Slovakia lead the V4 countries in the extensive use of recruitment channels, while Hungary uses a variety of tools in the selection process to find the ideal candidate. Based on the results of the research, we recommend companies to emphasise the role of personal and professional relationships in recruitment and to consider the benefits of different tests and assessment centres in selection.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AEC
    Číslo archívnej kópie54561
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  2. NázovEmotion in the design process
    Podnázovintrinsic factors on emotion management for decision-making
    Aut.údajeAmic G. Ho
    Autor Ho Amic G.
    Vyd.údajeBoca Raton : CRC Press , 2024. - ix, 130 s. : il., tab., 24 cm
    Vydanie1st ed.
    Edícia Design, emotion and creativity
    PoznámkaBibliografia. Register
    Kľúč.slová dizajn - design   emócie - emotions   rozhodovanie - decision making   organizačné správanie - organizational behavior  
    Form.deskr.monografie - monographies
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaSpojené štáty
    Systematika 7.05
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxkni - KNIHY
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 0, prezenčne 1
    391541Univerzita Mateja BelaUK Pedagogická študovňalen prezenčne
    Emotion in the design process
  3. NázovWater and wastewater in the circular economy CEwater
    Podnázovinternational conference
    abstract book
    Aut.údajerec. Marzena Smol, Klara Ramm ... [et al.]
    Ďalší autori Smol Marzena (Recenzent)
    Ramm Klara (Recenzent)
    Akcia Water and wastewater in the circular economy CEwater . medzinárodná konferencia , Krakov , 22.-24.04.2024
    Vyd.údajeKrakov : Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią , 2024. - 92 p.
    Vydanie1. vyd.
    Form.deskr.zborníky konferencií
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    URL Link na plný text
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti FAI
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
  4. NázovProces prijímania zamestnancov v štátnej správe
    Podnázovbakalárska práca
    Aut.údajeDaniela Vnenčáková; školiteľ: Lucia Bartková
    Autor Vnenčáková Daniela
    Ďalší autori Bartková Lucia 1983- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Korp. Univerzita Mateja Bela . Ekonomická fakulta . Inštitút manažérskych systémov (detašované pracovisko Poprad) , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Vyd.údajeBanská Bystrica , 2024. - 58 s.
    Kľúč.slová manažment ľudských zdrojov - human resources management - riadenie ľudských zdrojov   prijímanie zamestnancov - recruitment - recruitment of employees   prijímacie konanie - výber zamestnancov - employee selection - selection process   štátna správa - government management  
    Form.deskr.bakalárske práce - bachelor’s theses
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 005.95/.96
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 0
    Názov súboruStiahnutéVeľkosťKomentár
    KP 6572112.1 MB
  5. NázovVýber, prijímanie a adaptácia zamestnancov
    Podnázovbakalárska práca
    Aut.údajeSamuel Bukovina; školiteľ: Mária Pomffyová
    Autor Bukovina Samuel
    Ďalší autori Pomffyová Mária 1963- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Korp. Univerzita Mateja Bela . Ekonomická fakulta . Inštitút manažérskych systémov (detašované pracovisko Poprad) , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Vyd.údajeBanská Bystrica , 2024. - 60 s.
    Kľúč.slová manažment ľudských zdrojov - human resources management - riadenie ľudských zdrojov   adaptačný proces - adaptation process   podniky - business enterprises   prijímacie konanie - výber zamestnancov - employee selection - selection process  
    Form.deskr.bakalárske práce - bachelor’s theses
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 005.95/.96
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 0
  6. NázovCross-cultural adaptation of a questionnaire measuring organizational citizenship behavior towards the environment
    Aut.údajeCandida Duarte Manuel, Carla Rebelo Magalhães ... [et al.]
    Autor Manuel Candida Duarte (25%)
    Spoluautori Magalhães Carla Rebelo (20%)
    Huber Claudia Maria (20%)
    Smerek Lukáš 1986- (25%) UMBEF03 - Katedra ekonomiky a manažmentu podniku
    Costa Artur Fernandes (5%)
    Alves José Ribeiro (5%)
    Zdroj.dok. Administrative Sciences. Vol. 14, no. 3 (2024), pp. [1-38]. - Basel : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024
    Kľúč.slová interkultúrne aspekty - medzikultúrne aspekty - intercultural aspects   preklady - translations   riadenie organizácie   životné prostredie - environment   environmentálna zodpovednosť - environmental responsibility   ľudské zdroje - human resources  
    Heslá geogr. Portugalsko
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaTranslation, adaptation, and validation of instruments for cross-cultural investigation requires a rigorous methodological procedure that should be carefully planned to deliver instruments with adequate reliability and validity. This process was applied to a questionnaire measuring Organizational Citizenship Behavior toward the Environment (OCBE), Organizational Identification (OI), Environmental Responsibility (ER), and Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) in Portuguese and Slovak organizations. Several methodological procedures for cross-cultural adaptation and validation of questionnaires were analyzed, most of which used independent translators, experts' analysis, and backward translation to the original language. In the present study, a procedure adapted from Beaton et al. (2000) was applied successfully, and the blind backward translations; expert committee; and the two pretests to assess content validity, functional equivalence, and clarity proved to be worthy. The psychometric properties were measured using a sample from Portugal (N = 122) and Slovakia (N = 269). Although employees were perceiving neither a strong environmental responsibility of their organizations nor strong green human resources management, they identified themselves with the organizations and engaged in OCBEs. Comparing both countries, the factorial structure was remarkably similar, highlighting the eco-helping actions and eco-civic engagement of OCBEs. Comparing both countries, the factorial structure was remarkably similar, highlighting the eco-helping actions and eco-civic engagement of OCBEs. The results indicated that the translated instrument was functionally equivalent to the original one, valid (scale CVI/Ave > 0.83), and reliable (Scale Alpha > 0.733) for evaluating the effect of employee practices and organization management in promoting and supporting environmental sustainability.
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    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADM
    Číslo archívnej kópie54420
    Kategória ohlasu SYIFANAURAH, Salma - ANNA, Anastasia - ERYANI, Theresia. Validation of the self-administered version of the international restless leg syndrome severity scale (sIRLS). In Jurnal keperawatan komprehensif : comprehensive nursing journal [online]. 2024, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 367-377 [cit. 2024-08-26]. ISSN 2598-8727. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.33755/jkk
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  7. NázovProces získavania a výberu zamestnancov vo vybranom podniku
    Podnázovbakalárska práca
    Aut.údajeTímea Budzáková; školiteľ: Mária Pomffyová
    Autor Budzáková Tímea
    Ďalší autori Pomffyová Mária 1963- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Korp. Univerzita Mateja Bela . Ekonomická fakulta . Inštitút manažérskych systémov (detašované pracovisko Poprad) , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Vyd.údajeBanská Bystrica , 2023. - 52 s.
    Kľúč.slová personálny manažment - personálne riadenie - personalistika - personnel management   zamestnanci - employees   prijímacie konanie - výber zamestnancov - employee selection - selection process   nábor zamestnancov - získavanie zamestnancov - employee recruitment   ľudské zdroje - human resources  
    Form.deskr.bakalárske práce - bachelor’s theses
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 005.95/.96
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 0
  8. NázovProces získavania a výberu zamestnancov vo vybranom podniku
    Podnázovbakalárska práca
    Aut.údajePatrik Korenko; školiteľ: Lucia Hudáková
    Autor Korenko Patrik
    Ďalší autori Hudáková Lucia 1989- (Školiteľ (konzultant))
    Korp. Univerzita Mateja Bela . Ekonomická fakulta . Inštitút manažérskych systémov (detašované pracovisko Poprad) , Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
    Vyd.údajeBanská Bystrica , 2023. - 45 s.
    Kľúč.slová manažment ľudských zdrojov - human resources management - riadenie ľudských zdrojov   personálny manažment - personálne riadenie - personalistika - personnel management   nábor zamestnancov - získavanie zamestnancov - employee recruitment   prijímacie konanie - výber zamestnancov - employee selection - selection process   podniky - business enterprises  
    Form.deskr.bakalárske práce - bachelor’s theses
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 005.95/.96
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxk - Kvalifikačné práce
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 0
  9. NázovThe human resources management system in Slovakia and Poland - chosen aspects
    Aut.údajeSandra Misiak-Kwit ... [et al.]
    Autor Misiak-Kwit Sandra (20%)
    Spoluautori Włodarczyk Katarzyna (20%)
    Mazur-Wierzbicka Ewa (20%)
    Smerek Lukáš 1986- (20%) UMBEF03 - Katedra ekonomiky a manažmentu podniku
    Ďurian Jozef 1973- (20%)
    Zdroj.dok. European research studies journal. Vol. 26, no. 1 (2023), pp. 20-39. - Athens : International Strategic Management Association, 2023
    Kľúč.slová manažment ľudských zdrojov - human resources management - riadenie ľudských zdrojov   ľudský kapitál - human capital   obchodné spoločnosti - business companies - trading companies  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaPurpose: The primary objective of this paper is to identify similarities and differences between Slovak and Polish companies for selected elements of HRM. Design: Literature review and questionnaire research were conducted among 811 Polish and Slovak companies. The possibility of comparing these countries resulted mainly from the fact that both countries underwent transformation at the beginning of the 1990s and were struggling with similar problems resulting from political, economic, social and cultural changes. Findings: The paper presents the results of research on job descriptions, evaluation of employees, financing employee development and employing talented and intercultural people. The analysis and assessment of data obtained in the course of research has proved the existence of statisticall significant differences in selected elements of the system of HRM in Slovak and Polish companies. Practical Implications: For employees of HR departments, the results of the conducted research may indicate the directions of changes to clarify expectations for employees, ways to use the employee evaluation, financing employee development and employment of talents and people with intercultural skills. For business owners and management staff, the results of conducted research may be helpful in determining the consistency of the general strategy of the company with the adopted HRM strategy in the company and to indicate the directions of future changes in the HRM system in order to achieve compliance of these strategies. Originality Value: The findings allowed to suggest relevant recommendations for Slovak and Polish companies. A comparison of activities related to the functioning of selected aspects of the HRM system provided an opportunity to exchange good practices and experiences. This paper also indicates the need to constantly monitor the entire HRM process and its individual elements in the company.
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    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADE
    Číslo archívnej kópie52915
    Kategória ohlasu CHIGOZIE, Chilaka Francis - PERMANENT, Yonmo Doutimi. Search for political development and the problem of separatist agitations in Cameroon : implications for Nigeria. In African journal of social sciences and humanities research [online]. 2023, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 113-123 [cit. 2024-05-06]. ISSN 2689-5129. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.52589/AJSSHR-PL5ARSNV
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  10. NázovTeacher at the center of attention - subjective perception of difficulty and satisfaction of elementary and kindergarten teachers
    Aut.údajeHenrieta Jonek
    Autor Jonek Henrieta 1995- (100%) UMBPF07 - Katedra elementárnej a predškolskej pedagogiky
    Zdroj.dok. Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 6, no. 6 (2023), pp. 1236-1243. - Palembang : HM Publisher, 2023
    Kľúč.slová učitelia primárneho vzdelávania - primary education teachers   učitelia základných škôl - učitelia ZŠ - elementary school teachers   učitelia materských škôl - predškolskí učitelia - preschool teachers - kindergarten teachers   spokojnosť so zamestnaním  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaThis article is aimed at the teaching profession and describing partial outcomes of subjective perception of workload and satisfaction of educators. The research uses the measurement tools Assessment scale: Perception of the burden of work activities and Life satisfaction questionnaire. The paper is focused on four dimensions – the subjective perception of workload related to the teaching process, related to the extracurricular activities, satisfaction with the job and satisfaction with one's free time. The research sample consisted of 874 Slovak teachers (232 in kindergarten, 411 in elementary school, 219 in leadership position, 12 “other”). The workload is perceived as a slight burden in the teaching process (x̄ = 2.057), but also outside of it (x̄ = 2.040). In general, teachers are satisfied with their jobs (x̄ = 4.787) and impartial towards their personal free time (x̄ = 4.313). In some areas there was a significant difference between kindergarten and elementary educators in perception of difficulty. Elementary educators deem the workload as more distressing. A significant difference was also demonstrated between the perception of satisfaction with free time between kindergarten teachers, primary education teachers and teachers in management positions, with kindergarten teachers being more satisfied. Our findings point to the need to differentiate the actions of teachers at different levels of education, in their job positions, and to provide them with support for their work well-being and satisfaction.
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    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADE
    Číslo archívnej kópie53662
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


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