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Nájdených záznamov: 6  
Vaša požiadavka: Autor-kód záznamu + druh.dok = "^umb_un_cat 0316878 xpca^"
  1. NázovDual digraphs of finite meet-distributive and modular lattices
    Aut.údajeAndrew Craig ... [et al.]
    Autor Craig Andrew, P. K. (34%)
    Spoluautori Haviar Miroslav 1965- (33%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    Marais Klarise (33%)
    Zdroj.dok. Cubo : a mathematical journal. Vol. 26, no. 2 (2024), pp. 279-302. - Temuco : Department of mathematics and statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera, 2024
    Kľúč.slová matematika - mathematics   algebra - algebra   teória zväzov   geometria - geometry  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaWe describe the digraphs that are dual representations of finite lattices satisfying conditions related to meet-distributivity and modularity. This is done using the dual digraph representation of finite lattices by Craig, Gouveia and Haviar (2015). These digraphs, known as TiRS digraphs, have their origins in the dual representations of lattices by Urquhart (1978) and Ploščica (1995). We describe two properties of finite lattices which are weakenings of (upper) semimodularity and lower semimodularity respectively, and then show how these properties have a simple description in the dual digraphs. Combined with previous work in this journal on dual digraphs of semidistributive lattices (2022), it leads to a dual representation of finite meet-distributive lattices. This provides a natural link to finite convex geometries. In addition, we present two sufficient conditions on a finite TiRS digraph for its dual lattice to be modular. We close by posing four open problems.
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    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADE
    Číslo archívnej kópie54691
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  2. NázovCubo
    Podnázova mathematical journal
    Vyd.údajeTemuco : Department of mathematics and statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera , 2024
    ISSN0716-7776 (print)0719-0646 (online)
    Form.deskr.časopisy - journals, elektronické časopisy - electronic journals
    Roč., čísloVol. 26 no. 2 (2024)
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    URLLink na zdrojový dokument
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti GII
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    Odkazy - PERIODIKÁ - Súborný záznam periodika
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
    Dual digraphs of finite meet-distributive and modular lattices


  3. NázovDual digraphs of finite semidistributive lattices
    Aut.údajeAndrew Craig ... [et al.]
    Autor Craig Andrew (34%)
    Spoluautori Haviar Miroslav 1965- (33%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    São João José (33%)
    Zdroj.dok. Cubo : a mathematical journal. Vol. 24, no. 3 (2022), pp. 369-392. - Temuco : Department of mathematics and statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera, 2021
    Kľúč.slová grafové algoritmy   algebraické štruktúry - algebraic structures   matematika - mathematics  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaDual digraphs of finite join-semidistributive lattices, meet-semidistributive lattices and semidistributive lattices are characterised. The vertices of the dual digraphs are maximal disjoint filter-ideal pairs of the lattice. The approach used here combines representations of arbitrary lattices due to Urquhart (1978) and Ploščcica (1995). The duals of finite lattices are mainly viewed as TiRS digraphs as they were presented and studied in Craig–Gouveia–Haviar (2015 and 2022). When appropriate, Urquhart’s two quasi-orders on the vertices of the dual digraph are also employed. Transitive vertices are introduced and their role in the domination theory of the digraphs is studied. In particular, finite lattices with the property that in their dual TiRS digraphs the transitive vertices form a dominating set (respectively, an in-dominating set) are characterised. A characterisation of both finite meet- and join-semidistributive lattices is provided via minimal closure systems on the set of vertices of their dual digraphs.
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    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADM
    Číslo archívnej kópie52754
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  4. NázovCubo
    Podnázova mathematical journal
    Vyd.údajeTemuco : Department of mathematics and statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera , 2021
    ISSN0716-7776 (print)0719-0646 (online)
    Form.deskr.časopisy - journals, elektronické časopisy - electronic journals
    Roč., čísloVol. 24 no. 3 (2022)
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    URLLink na zdrojový dokument
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti GII
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    Odkazy - PERIODIKÁ - Súborný záznam periodika
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
    Dual digraphs of finite semidistributive lattices


  5. NázovCubo
    Podnázova mathematical journal
    Vyd.údajeTemuco : Department of mathematics and statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera , 2021
    ISSN0716-7776 (print)0719-0646 (online)
    Form.deskr.časopisy - journals, elektronické časopisy - electronic journals
    Roč., čísloVol. 23 no. 2 (2021)
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    URLLink na zdrojový dokument
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti GII
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    Odkazy - PERIODIKÁ - Súborný záznam periodika
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
    A new class of graceful graphs: k-enriched fan graphs and their characterisations


  6. NázovA new class of graceful graphs: k-enriched fan graphs and their characterisations
    Aut.údajeMiroslav Haviar, Samuel Kurtulík
    Autor Haviar Miroslav 1965- (50%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    Spoluautori Kurtulík Samuel (50%)
    Zdroj.dok. Cubo : a mathematical journal. Vol. 23, č. 2 (2021), pp. 313-331. - Temuco : Department of mathematics and statistics of the Universidad de La Frontera, 2021
    Kľúč.slová grafy - charts - graphs   graciózne ohodnotenie grafov - graceful labelling of graphs   grafové šachovnice - graph chessboards   postupnosť  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    AnotáciaThe Graceful Tree Conjecture stated by Rosa in the mid 1960s says that every tree can be gracefully labelled. It is one of the best known open problems in Graph Theory. The conjecture has caused a great interest in the study of gracefulness of simple graphs and has led to many new contributions to the list of graceful graphs. However, it has to be acknowledged that not much is known about the structure of graceful graphs after 55 years. Our paper adds an infinite family of classes of graceful graphs to the list of known simple graceful graphs. We introduce classes of k-enriched fan graphs kF_n for all integers k, n ≥ 2 and we prove that these graphs are graceful. Moreover, we provide characterizations of the k-enriched fan graphs kF_n among all simple graphs via Sheppard's labelling sequences introduced in the 1970s, as well as via labelling relations and graph chessboards. These last approaches are new tools for the study of graceful graphs introduced by Haviar and Ivaška in 2015. The labelling relations are closely related to Sheppard's labelling sequences while the graph chessboards provide a nice visualization of graceful labellings. We close our paper with an open problem concerning another infinite family of extended fan graphs.
    URLLink na zdrojový dokument Link na plný text
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADM
    Číslo archívnej kópie50548
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


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