Výsledky vyhľadávania

Nájdených záznamov: 14  
Vaša požiadavka: Kľúčové slovo = "aggregation functions"
  1. NázovOn the extended set of weights of the OWA functions
    Aut.údajeGleb Beliakov, Jana Špirková, Tomasa Calvo
    Autor Beliakov Gleb (40%)
    Spoluautori Špirková Jana 1962- (40%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Calvo Tomasa (20%)
    Zdroj.dok. International Journal of General Systems. Vol. 49, no. 4 (2020), pp. 355-373. - Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Group, 2020
    Kľúč.slová aggregation functions   basis set functions   Choquet integral  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaVeľká Británia
    URL Link na plný text
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADC
    Číslo archívnej kópie48321
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  2. NázovNew transformations of aggregation functions based on monotone systems of functions
    Aut.údajeLeSheng Jin ... [et al.]
    Autor Jin Le-Sheng (20%)
    Spoluautori Mesiar Radko (20%)
    Kalina Martin (20%)
    Špirková Jana 1962- (20%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Borkotokey Surajit (20%)
    Zdroj.dok. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Vol. 118 (2020), pp. 79-95. - New York : Elsevier Science Ltd., 2020
    Kľúč.slová aggregation functions   konvexná suma - convex sum   kopuly - domes   GCS-transformácia - GCS-transform - Generalized-Convex-Sum-Transformation  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaSpojené štáty
    AnotáciaThe paper introduces a Generalized-Convex-Sum-Transformation of aggregation functions. It has the form of a transformation of aggregation functions by monotone systems of functions. A special case of the proposed Generalized-Convex-Sum-Transformation is the well-known *-product, also called the Darsow product of copulas. Similarly, our approach covers Choquet integrals with respect to capacities induced by the considered aggregation function. The paper offers basic definitions and some properties of the mentioned transformation. Various examples illustrating the transformation are presented. The paper also gives two alternative transformations of aggregation functions under which the dimension of the transformed aggregation functions is higher than that of the original one. Interestingly, if a copula is transformed, under some conditions put on the monotone systems of functions, the transformed aggregation function is again a copula. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADC
    Číslo archívnej kópie48190
    Kategória ohlasu JWAID, T. - DE MEYER, H. - ISMAIL, A. Haj - DE BAETS, B. Curved splicing of copulas. In Information sciences. ISSN 0020-0255, 2021, vol. 556, pp. 95-110.
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  3. NázovDescription and properties of curve-based monotone functions
    Aut.údajeMikel Sesma-Sara, Laura De Miguel ... [et al.]
    Autor Sesma-Sara Mikel (20%)
    Spoluautori De Miguel Laura (16%)
    López de Hierro Antonio Francisco Roldán (16%)
    Špirková Jana 1962- (16%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Mesiar Radko (16%)
    Bustince Humberto (16%)
    Zdroj.dok. New trends in aggregation theory : 10th international summer school on aggregation operators : AGOP 2019. Pp. 195-204. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019 ; International summer school on aggregation operators medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
    Kľúč.slová monotonicity   weak monotonicity   directional monotonicity   aggregation functions   informačné systémy - information systems   computing  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    URLLink na plný text
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC
    Číslo archívnej kópie46502
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  4. NázovMixture functions based on deviation and dissimilarity functions
    Aut.údajeJana Špirková, Pavol Kráľ
    Autor Špirková Jana 1962- (50%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Spoluautori Kráľ Pavol 1978- (50%)
    Zdroj.dok. New trends in aggregation theory : 10th international summer school on aggregation operators : AGOP 2019. Pp. 255-266. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019 ; International summer school on aggregation operators medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
    Kľúč.slová weak monotonicity   directional monotonicity   aggregation functions   quantitative methods  
    Form.deskr.príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC
    Číslo archívnej kópie46536
    Kategória ohlasu PAPCO, Martin - RODRIGUEZ-MARTINEZ, Iosu - FUMANAL-IDOCIN, Javier - ALTALHI, Abdulrahman H. - BUSTINCE, Humberto. A fusion method for multi-valued data. In Information fusion. ISSN 1566-2535, 2021, vol. 71, pp. 1-10.
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  5. NázovMixture functions and their monotonicity
    Aut.údajeJana Špirková ... [et al.]
    Autor Špirková Jana 1962- (70%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Spoluautori Beliakov Gleb (10%)
    Bustince Humberto (10%)
    Fernandez Javier (10%)
    Zdroj.dok. Information sciences. Vol. 481, (2019), pp. 520-549. - New York : Elsevier Science Ltd., 2019
    Kľúč.slová aggregation functions   mixture functions   monotonicity   weak monotonicity   directional monotonicity  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaSpojené štáty
    Systematika 334
    AnotáciaWe consider mixture functions, which are a type of weighted averages for which the corresponding weights are calculated by means of appropriate continuous functions of their inputs. In general, these mixture function need not be monotone increasing. For this reason we study sufficient conditions to ensure standard, weak and directional monotonicity for specific types of weighting functions. We also analyze directional monotonicity when differentiability is assumed. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADC
    Číslo archívnej kópie45088
    Kategória ohlasu CHEN, Juanjuan - CAI, Zhanchuan. Cardinal MK-spline signal processing : spatial interpolation and frequency domain filtering. In Information sciences. ISSN 0020-0255, 2019, vol. 495, pp. 116-135.
    KHAMENEH, Azadeh Zahedi - KILICMAN, Adem. A fuzzy majority-based construction method for composed aggregation functions by using combination operator. In Information sciences. ISSN 0020-0255, 2019, vol. 505, pp. 367-387.
    PAPCO, Martin - RODRIGUEZ-MARTINEZ, Iosu - FUMANAL-IDOCIN, Javier - ALTALHI, Abdulrahman H. - BUSTINCE, Humberto. A fusion method for multi-valued data. In Information fusion. ISSN 1566-2535, 2021, vol. 71, pp. 1-10.
    KHAMENEH, Azadeh Zahedi - KILICMAN, Adem. Some construction methods of aggregation operators in decision-making problems: an overview. In Symmetry (Basel). ISSN 2073-8994, 2020, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1-20.
    TANG, Hui-Chin - CHEN, Wei-Ting. Multiple optimal solutions and the best Lipschitz constants between an aggregation function and associated idempotized aggregation function. In Axioms. ISSN 2075-1680, 2021, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1-12.
    KERK, Yi Wen - TEH, Chin Ying - TAY, Kai Meng - LIM, Chee Peng. Parametric conditions for a monotone TSK fuzzy inference system to be an n-Ary aggregation function. In IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems. ISSN 1063-6706, 2021, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 1864-1873.
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  6. NázovOrdered weighted sum in infinite sequences environment with applications
    Aut.údajeZhen Wang ... [et al.]
    Autor Wang Zhen (10%)
    Spoluautori Jin Le-Sheng (30%)
    Yager Ronald R. (12%)
    Mesiar Radko (12%)
    Kalina Martin (12%)
    Špirková Jana 1962- (12%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Borkotokey Surajit (12%)
    Zdroj.dok. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 36, no. 3 (2019), pp. 2787-2792. - Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2019
    Kľúč.slová aggregation functions   rozhodovanie - decision making   hodnotenie - evalvácia - evaluácia - evaluation  
    Form.deskr.články - journal articles
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Systematika 334
    AnotáciaWe study the Yager OWS aggregation and the Irregular normalized Yager OWA aggregation under infinite environment. Two evaluation problems are proposed to motivate their applications. Few distinguishing properties are discussed. We show that such aggregations use the same type of weights, infinite weights (sequence), to embody the involved preferences. Their respective applications in the fields of Scientometrics and Gradual Confidence Aggregation are proposed and analyzed.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADC
    Číslo archívnej kópie45089
    Kategória ohlasu DURANTE, F. - FERNANDEZ SANCHEZ, J. - IGNAZZI, C. Operators invariant under finitely many input changes with applications to aggregation of sequences. In Information sciences. ISSN 0020-0255, 2021, vol. 560, pp. 271-282.
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  7. NázovOn the problem of comparing ordered ordinary fuzzy multisets
    Aut.údajeÁngel Riesgo, Pedro Alonso ... [et al.]
    Autor Riesgo Ángel (5%)
    Spoluautori Alonso Pedro (5%)
    Díaz Irene (5%)
    Janiš Vladimír 1963- (40%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    Kobza Vladimír 1988- (40%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    Montes Susana (5%)
    Zdroj.dok. Information processing and management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems. Theory and foundations : communications in computer and information science (CCIS) : 17th international conference IPMU 2018, Cádiz, 11.-15.06.2018, Vol. 854. Pp. 344-355. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018 ; Information processing and management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems 2018 IPMU 2018
    PoznámkaAuthors acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Ministry under Projects TIN2014-59543-P and TIN2017-87600-P.
    Kľúč.slová divergence measure   fuzzy multisets   aggregation functions  
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Systematika 51
    AnotáciaIn this work we deal with a particular type of hesitant fuzzy set, in the case where membership values can appear multiple times and are ordered. They are called ordered ordinary fuzzy multisets. Some operations between them are introduced by means of an extension principle. In particular, the divergence measures between two of these multisets are defined and we have studied in detail the local family of divergences. Finally, these measures are related to the ones given for ordinary fuzzy sets
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC
    Číslo archívnej kópie42852
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  8. NázovIntegral transformation of aggregation functions and Darsow product
    Aut.údajeMartin Kalina ... [et al.]
    Autor Kalina Martin (20%)
    Spoluautori Mesiar Radko (20%)
    Jin Le-Sheng (20%)
    Špirková Jana 1962- (20%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Borkotokey Surajit (20%)
    Zdroj.dok. CSASC 2018 : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava : 11-14 September. S. 150. - Bratislava : Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, 2018 ; CSASC 2018 Česko-Slovinsko-Rakúsko-Slovensko-Katalánsky spoločný kongres matematických spoločností
    Kľúč.slová functions   aggregation functions   matematika - mathematics  
    Form.deskr.abstrakty - abstracts
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 51
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFH
    Číslo archívnej kópie44563
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


  9. NázovGeneralized convexities related to aggregation operators of fuzzy sets
    Aut.údajeSusana Díaz ... [et al.]
    Autor Díaz Susana (5%)
    Spoluautori Induráin Esteban (5%)
    Janiš Vladimír 1963- (80%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    Llinares Juan Vicente (5%)
    Montes Susana (5%)
    Zdroj.dok. Kybernetika. Roč. 53, č. 3 (2017), s. 383-393. - Praha : Akademie věd České republiky, 2017
    Kľúč.slová fuzzy množiny - fuzzy sets   konvexnosť - convexity   aggregation functions  
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaČeská republika
    Systematika 51
    AnotáciaWe analyze the existence of fuzzy sets of a universe that are convex with respect to cer- tain particular classes of fusion operators that merge two fuzzy sets. In addition, we study aggregation operators that preserve various classes of generalized convexity on fuzzy sets. We focus our study on fuzzy subsets of the real line, so that given a mapping F : [0, 1] × [0,1] → [0,1], a fuzzy subset, say X, of the real line is said to be F-convex if for any x,y,z ∈ R such that x ≤ y ≤ z, it holds that μX(y) ≥ F(μX(x),μX(z)), where μX : R → [0,1] stands here for the membership function that defines the fuzzy set X. We study the existence of such sets paying attention to different classes of aggregation operators (that is, the corresponding functions F , as above), and preserving F -convexity under aggregation of fuzzy sets. Among those typical classes, triangular norms T will be analyzed, giving rise to the concept of norm convexity or T-convexity, as a particular case of F-convexity. Other different kinds of generalized convexities will also be discussed as a by-product
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADC
    Číslo archívnej kópie40454
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


  10. NázovMixture function in mortality rates aggregation
    Aut.údajeSamuel Hudec, Jana Špirková
    Autor Hudec Samuel 1988- (60%) UMBFP10 - Katedra matematiky
    Spoluautori Špirková Jana 1962- (40%) UMBEF05 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informačných systémov
    Zdroj.dok. ISFS 2017 : the 3rd international symposium on fuzzy sets - uncertainty modelling, Rzeszów, May 19-20, 2017 : proceedings. S. 17-21. - Rzeszów : University of Rzeszów, 2017 / Bentkowska Urszula ; Drygaś Paweł ; Król Anna ; Pękala Barbara ; Rak Ewa ; ISFS 2017 medzinárodné sympózium
    Kľúč.slová aggregation functions   mixture functions   mortality rates  
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Systematika 02
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC
    Číslo archívnej kópie39515
    Katal.org.BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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